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Last update 14.05.2017 14:36:29, Creator/Last Upload: Eesti Maleliit

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Pronin Arseni1665EST 22w1 2b½ 3w1 7b1 11w1 5w½ 4b½5,528,5253
2Slavinski Nikita1619EST 14b1 1w½ 6b½ 9w1 4b½ 16w1 3w15,527,5243
3Mihhailov Artur1628EST 18b1 6w1 1b0 13w1 16b1 7w1 2b0526,523,54
4Kokk Karl Mattias1628EST 20w1 16b1 12w½ 5b½ 2w½ 11b1 1w½526233
5Levchenko Marina1678EST 21b1 11w0 17b1 4w½ 12w1 1b½ 9b1524,521,54
6Snitsarenko Igor1679EST 15w1 3b0 2w½ 8b1 7w0 12b1 11w14,526,5233
7Kaldmaa Janis1647EST 17b1 13w1 11b½ 1w0 6b1 3b0 14w14,525,5224
8Šadrina Eva1625EST 19w1 12b0 15w½ 6w0 21b1 20b1 13w14,520183
9Pallum Rasmus1560EST 12w0 19b1 10w1 2b0 20w1 15b1 5w0424,521,53
10Rajangu Miikael1347EST 11b0 21w1 9b0 17w0 23b1 22w1 16b1417,515,54
11Schneider Uku1614EST 10w1 5b1 7w½ 12b1 1b0 4w0 6b03,528,524,54
12Rõtšagov Anton1691EST 9b1 8w1 4b½ 11w0 5b0 6w0 17b13,526,5234
13Dudakov Andrei1570EST 23w1 7b0 20w1 3b0 18w1 14b½ 8b03,522,520,54
14Poleštšuk Arseni1361EST 2w0 22b1 16w0 19b1 17b1 13w½ 7b03,522,519,54
15Õigus Kristjan1515EST 6b0 18w1 8b½ 16b0 22w1 9w0 21b13,521194
16Orlova Darya1576EST 24b1 4w0 14b1 15w1 3w0 2b0 10w0326,5233
17Kimlaychuk Artjom1498EST 7w0 23b1 5w0 10b1 14w0 18b1 12w0323,520,53
18Naestema Leen1401EST 3w0 15b0 23w1 22b1 13b0 17w0 24w1318173
19Veges Pärtel1367EST 8b0 9w0 21b0 14w0 24b1 23w1 20w1317163
20Rajangu Iiob1447EST 4b0 24w1 13b0 21w1 9b0 8w0 19b0222204
21Turo Ralf1513EST 5w0 10b0 19w1 20b0 8w0 24b1 15w0222203
22Tšurakov Sergei1505EST 1b0 14w0 24b1 18w0 15b0 10b0 23w1220,519,54
23Kuhareva Viktoria0EST 13b0 17w0 18b0 24w1 10w0 19b0 22b0118,516,54
24Milovanova Valerija1338EST 16w0 20b0 22w0 23b0 19w0 21w0 18b0015133

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Most black