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European Individual Chess Championship 2017

Last update 19.07.2017 17:19:38, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Player overview for SRB

50GMIvanisevic Ivan26381½½½11100½06127258310-8,30
101GMIndjic Aleksandar25870101½10111½769248410-11,70
149GMSedlak Nikola252310½101011016,51162533104,00
381Damjanovic Vuk1754000010010½02,53831747400,80

Results of the last round for SRB

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypGrRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrRtg No.
GMIndjic Aleksandar2587 ½ - ½ GMRakhmanov AleksandrACP2676
GMIvanisevic Ivan26386 0 - 16 GMKryakvin DmitryACP2560
GMTunik GennadyS502384 0 - 1 GMSedlak Nikola2523
Damjanovic VukU181754 0 - 1 Rasanau MakarU180

Player details for SRB

GM Ivanisevic Ivan 2638 SRB Rp:2583 Pts. 6
1248FMSaraci Nderim23835,5w 1101,90
2153GMSivuk Vitaly25205s ½10-1,60
3157IMMartirosyan Haik M.25167,5w ½10-1,70
4174IMMatinian Nikita24916s ½10-2,00
5175IMShevchenko Kirill24917w 1103,00
6177GMTeterev Vitaly24876s 1103,00
7109GMBocharov Dmitry25746,5w 1104,10
816GMCheparinov Ivan26888w 010-4,30
91GMNavara David27398s 010-3,60
10117GMBortnyk Olexandr25676s ½10-1,00
11123GMKryakvin Dmitry25607w 010-6,10
GM Indjic Aleksandar 2587 SRB Rp:2484 Pts. 7
1299FMKononenko Dmitry22555s 010-8,80
2301Makoveev Ilya22464w 1101,20
3253IMErenberg Ariel23705s 010-7,80
4307FMVikulov Alexander22324,5w 1101,10
5239GMTihonov Jurij24024,5s ½10-2,40
6229WGMZawadzka Jolanta24195w 1102,80
7186IMKobo Ori24766,5s 010-6,50
8223IMFroewis Georg24325,5w 1102,90
9182FMKhegay Dmitriy24825,5s 1103,60
10311FMDavtyan Artur22165,5w 1101,10
1124GMRakhmanov Aleksandr26767w ½101,20
GM Sedlak Nikola 2523 SRB Rp:2533 Pts. 6,5
1347Ivannikau Maksim20765s 1101,10
246GMShimanov Aleksandr26427w 010-3,40
3287FMHarshkou Mikita23025,5s ½10-2,80
4281FMDenishev Marat23163,5w 1102,30
527GMGrandelius Nils26656,5w 010-3,10
6251IMArabidze Meri23745,5s 1103,00
78GMLeko Peter27036,5s 010-2,60
8253IMErenberg Ariel23705w 1103,00
917GMKorobov Anton26886w 1107,20
1057GMLupulescu Constantin26317s 010-3,50
11247GMTunik Gennady23845,5s 1103,10
Damjanovic Vuk 1754 SRB Rp:1747 Pts. 2,5
1183GMMinasian Artashes24805w 040-4,40
2280FMTate Alan23205s 040-4,40
3318Makarian Rudik21954w 040-4,40
4301Makoveev Ilya22464s 040-4,40
5389Konyshko Ivan15482w 1409,60
6340WFMMartynyuk Elizaveta21024,5s 040-4,40
7330Dudin Gleb21514,5w 040-4,40
8390Oskin Iakov14752,5s 1406,40
9364Siniauski Artsiom19724w 040-8,80
10356Henseler Jorgen20463,5s ½4014,00
11395Rasanau Makar03,5w 0