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European Individual Chess Championship 2017

Last update 19.07.2017 17:19:38, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Player overview for MDA

112GMSvetushkin Dmitry25731½½½½½101005,5185250110-9,70
178IMHamitevici Vladimir24871011½½01½½176026031022,40

Results of the last round for MDA

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypGrRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrRtg No.
IMHamitevici Vladimir24876 1 - 06 GMLopez Martinez Josep Manuel2597
GMSvetushkin Dmitry2573 0 - 1 WGMGirya OlgaACP2476

Player details for MDA

GM Svetushkin Dmitry 2573 MDA Rp:2501 Pts. 5,5
1310Balokas Dimitrios22194w 1101,10
23GMJakovenko Dmitry27187s ½101,90
37GMPonomariov Ruslan27127,5w ½101,90
4222IMMindlin Alon24366s ½10-1,80
5250FMStathopoulos Ioannis23764,5w ½10-2,50
6207IMRepka Christopher24525s ½10-1,60
7185IMDrozdowski Kacper24785,5w 1103,70
81GMNavara David27398s 010-2,80
9205IMGrinberg Eyal24575,5w 1103,40
10210IMHakobyan Aram24497,5s 010-6,70
11187WGMGirya Olga24766,5w 010-6,30
IM Hamitevici Vladimir 2487 MDA Rp:2603 Pts. 7
1376Sokolov Ilia18203,5w 1101,10
273GMHracek Zbynek26127s 010-3,30
3314FMStetsko Lanita22025w 1101,60
455GMSavchenko Boris26344s 1107,00
571GMErdos Viktor26147,5w ½101,70
669GMBanusz Tamas26165,5s ½101,70
775GMOnischuk Vladimir26086,5w 010-3,40
877GMMista Aleksander26067s 1106,60
981GMOparin Grigoriy26047w ½101,60
1085GMGledura Benjamin26026s ½101,60
1191GMLopez Martinez Josep Manuel25976w 1106,50