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European Individual Chess Championship 2017

Last update 19.07.2017 17:19:38, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Player overview for FRA

11GMBacrot Etienne26961½1½½10½11½7,5182750106,80
49GMEdouard Romain26401½01½1½½0005229253610-12,30
65GMMaze Sebastien2619½½011½11½0½6,5110252610-11,60
308FMLouis Thibault2228001½0½½10003,5354213220-21,80

Results of the last round for FRA

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypGrRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrRtg No.
GMKuzubov Yuriy26377 ½ - ½7 GMBacrot Etienne2696
GMMichalik Peter25586 ½ - ½6 GMMaze Sebastien2619
FMLouis Thibault2228 - - + Khrapko Marharyta2050
GMEdouard RomainACP26405 0 not paired  

Player details for FRA

GM Bacrot Etienne 2696 FRA Rp:2750 Pts. 7,5
1208GMPacher Milan24505s 1101,90
2124GMAleksandrov Aleksej25597,5w ½10-1,80
3114GMWagner Dennis25716,5s 1103,30
487GMBok Benjamin25987,5w ½10-1,30
588GMFedorov Alexei25985,5s ½10-1,30
6122GMGelashvili Tamaz25636,5w 1103,20
759GMDemchenko Anton26297- 0K
8130GMKunin Vitaly25518w ½10-1,90
9209GMBaghdasaryan Vahe24496,5s 1101,90
1094GMProhaszka Peter25966,5w 1103,60
1152GMKuzubov Yuriy26377,5s ½10-0,80
GM Edouard Romain 2640 FRA Rp:2536 Pts. 5
1247GMTunik Gennady23845,5s 1101,90
2156GMSanikidze Tornike25186,5w ½10-1,70
3154GMDastan Muhammed Batuhan25196s 010-6,60
4220IMMinko Vladimir24384,5w 1102,40
5166IMMeskovs Nikita25046,5s ½10-1,80
6172IMTheodorou Nikolas24955,5w 1103,10
7134IMPetrosyan Manuel25466,5s ½10-1,30
8176IMIljiushenok Ilia24896w ½10-2,00
9136GMDanin Alexandre25437s 010-6,30
10-not paired--- 0
11-not paired--- 0
GM Maze Sebastien 2619 FRA Rp:2526 Pts. 6,5
1263Lesovoi Evgenij23515,5s ½10-3,30
2259IMBirnboim Nathan23586w ½10-3,20
3243FMBakalchuk Johnatan23915,5s 010-7,90
4297FMSelbes Tarik22745w 1101,10
5231IMSipila Vilka24154,5s 1102,40
6184IMAli Marandi Cemil Can24796,5w ½10-1,90
7168GMJurcik Marian25016s 1103,40
8182FMKhegay Dmitriy24825,5w 1103,20
92GMAndreikin Dmitry27237s ½101,40
10136GMDanin Alexandre25437w 010-6,00
11126GMMichalik Peter25586,5s ½10-0,80
FM Louis Thibault 2228 FRA Rp:2132 Pts. 3,5
1110GMPalac Mladen25736,5s 020-2,20
2200IMNguyen Thai Dai Van24616w 020-4,20
3375Sigal-Passeck Sofia18553s 1202,20
4118IMSantos Latasa Jaime25675,5w ½207,60
5198GMKharchenko Boris24686s 020-4,00
6359Litvinenko Alexander20304w ½20-5,20
7383Vainerchuk Barys17142,5s ½20-7,80
8371Artsiomau Stanislau19243,5w 1202,80
9230FMElistratov Semen24175,5s 020-5,00
10234IMVega Gutierrez Sabrina24135,5s 020-5,20
11355Khrapko Marharyta20504,5- 0K