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European Individual Chess Championship 2017

Last update 19.07.2017 17:19:38, Creator/Last Upload: BELARUS CHESS FEDERATION

Player overview for EST

90GMKulaots Kaido25971½01½½½01016158248210-16,80
143GMLadva Ottomar2530½1½01½½10½½6142246810-6,60

Results of the last round for EST

Rd.Bo.No. NameTypGrRtgPts. ResultPts. NameTypGrRtg No.
IMBirnboim NathanS502358 ½ - ½ GMLadva Ottomar2530
GMKulaots Kaido25975 1 - 05 IMRepka Christopher2452

Player details for EST

GM Kulaots Kaido 2597 EST Rp:2482 Pts. 6
1288IMSmirnov Valerij22974,5w 1101,50
2193GMNeverov Valeriy24726s ½10-1,70
3191IMSantos Ruiz Miguel24736w 010-6,70
4228FMPustovoitova Daria24205,5s 1102,70
5209GMBaghdasaryan Vahe24496,5w ½10-2,00
6183GMMinasian Artashes24805s ½10-1,60
7181IMSchreiner Peter24835,5w ½10-1,60
8210IMHakobyan Aram24497,5s 010-7,00
9222IMMindlin Alon24366w 1102,90
10174IMMatinian Nikita24916s 010-6,40
11207IMRepka Christopher24525w 1103,10
GM Ladva Ottomar 2530 EST Rp:2468 Pts. 6
1341Elkin Leonid20993,5s ½10-3,90
2325Konaplev Anton21725w 1101,10
338GMKravtsiv Martyn26538s ½101,70
412GMTomashevsky Evgeny26967,5w 010-2,80
5247GMTunik Gennady23845,5s 1103,00
68GMLeko Peter27036,5w ½102,30
7241GMPodolchenko Evgeniy23985s ½10-1,80
8309WFMAssaubayeva Bibisara22245,5w 1101,40
964GMFedorchuk Sergey A.26217s 010-3,80
10213IMStremavicius Titas24486w ½10-1,10
11259IMBirnboim Nathan23586s ½10-2,30