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 FIDE Grand Prix Series. Moscow 2017

Last update 21.05.2017 18:32:58, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy of Armenia

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Round 3 on 2017/05/14 at 14.00

Bo.No.WhiteFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackFEDRtgNo.
116GMHou YifanCHN2652 0 - 1 GMDing LirenCHN27734
21GMVachier-Lagrave MaximeFRA27951 ½ - ½1 GMGelfand BorisISR272412
315GMTomashevsky EvgenyRUS26961 ½ - ½1 GMNakamura HikaruUSA27862
43GMGiri AnishNED27851 ½ - ½1 GMVallejo Pons FranciscoESP271014
55GMMamedyarov ShakhriyarAZE27721 1 - 01 GMAdams MichaelENG274710
69GMHarikrishna P.IND27501 0 - 11 GMSvidler PeterRUS27556
77GMNepomniachtchi IanRUS27511 0 - 11 GMSalem A.R. SalehUAE263317
813GMRadjabov TeimourAZE27101 ½ - ½1 GMGrischuk AlexanderRUS27508
911GMInarkiev ErnestoRUS2727½ 0 - 1½ GMHammer Jon LudvigNOR262118