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Tancat MC Foment Martinenc

Last update 13.12.2009 17:46:01, Creator/Last Upload: Jordi Morcillo Ferran

Starting rank list of players

6Sanchez Criado Lluis6962226405ESP21722196Sant Marti
3Garcia Gil Javier65082216744ESP21652164Ideal d'en Clavé
1Gonzalez Valenzuela Didac143422268205ESP21432137Foment Martinenc
7Heredia Tarrats Amadeu71262224291ESP21432145Foment Martinenc
2Ruiz Manchon Francesc Xavier99542226430ESP21212133Cirera
8Gonzalez Verges Alex139022220369ESP21072053Tres Peons
4Prats Rodriguez Juan Bosco14062221411ESP20732101Colònia Güell
5Riera Danes Manel96222250640ESP20592050Sant Martí
9Forsberg Conde Martin2310222244093ESP19611958Comtal