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ASCUN Región Oriente 2017, Clásico Masculino Santander

Last update 01.05.2017 18:39:38, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Tautiva Cristian Camilo4410068COL2005UNAB
2Ospina Carl Erik4407750SAN1970UTS
3Rincon R Javier Duvan4429320COL1896UNAB
4Suarez Pinto Sergio Rafael4418085COL1893UIS
5Quintero Rangel Edwin4424425COL1869UIS
6Barros Baquero Fernando Elias4433831COL1858UIS
7Huertas Botache Alvaro Eduard4428293COL1857UIS
8Gonzalez Delgado Hugo Andres4440013COL1847UNAB
9Santoyo Silva Sergio Julian4431219COL1839UNAB
10Nino Lopez Michael Fabian4445996COL1807UNAB
11Gelvez Chaparro Jorge Enrique4428749COL1802UIS
12Cordero Esparza Nicolas Sebas4468082COL1798UIS
13Estevez Carlos Ariel4411790COL1792UIS
14Pabon Ruiz Andres FelipeSAN1692UTS
15Cardenas Juan Pablo4436970COL1682UNAB
16Velandia Rojas Diego4427912SAN1667UIS
17Pabon Gabriel Eduardo4424620SAN1660UTS
18Cancino Johan Camilo4442520COL1651UIS
19Monroy Kevin4414640CAS1649UIS
20Morales Guerrero Andres Felip4433220SAN1640UIS
21Garcia Jhon JairoSAN1636UPB
22Navarro Luis Eduardo4416287SAN1615UIS
23Aceros Rodriguez Oscar Leonar4473426BOG1600UIS
24Dimarco Dsilva Raul4435290SAN1600UNAB
25Perez Tarazona Jhon Humberto4462408SAN1595UNAB
26Rincon Pita Jorge4440064SAN1583UPB
27Mateus Camilo Andres4468074SAN1578UIS
28Rico Campo JaimeSAN1576UNAB
29Beltran Juan Sebastian4440170SAN1498UNAB
30Ardila Alvarez CristobalSAN0UTS
31Barajas Puentes FayberSAN0UTS
32Bohorquez Pava LibardoSAN0UTS
33Carreno Navarro JulianSAN0UPB
34Carrillo Santos Juan SebastianSAN0UTS
35Castellanos Fabian MauricioSAN0UTS
36Castellanos Martinez GermanSAN0UTS
37Dorado Ballesteros AndresSAN0UPB
38Gonzalez Galvis RafaelSAN0UPB
39Gonzalez Zabala FabianSAN0UIS
40Guzman Mendoza DiegoSAN0UIS
41Jaimes Baron DiegoSAN0UTS
42Jaimes Jaimes Heimer YadirSAN0UPB
43Mantilla Caicedo BrandonSAN0UPB
44Mantilla Murillo RafaelSAN0UTS
45Moreno Florez DanielSAN0UPB
46Numa Vega DiegoSAN0UPB
47Orozco Trujillo Juan CamiloSAN0UPB
48Ortiz Vargas CarlosSAN0UPB
49Ossas Noriega ManuelSAN0UTS
50Pinto Estupinan HolmerSAN0UIS
51Quijano Galvis SebastianSAN0UPB
52Ramirez Diaz JanSAN0UPB
53Rincon Zafra LuisSAN0UPB
54Rodriguez Abril DanielSAN0UPB
55Rodriguez Garcia SebastianSAN0UIS
56Ruiz Calvo GonzaloSAN0UPB
57Suarez Escobar GerardoSAN0UPB
58Suarez Mestre CarlosSAN0UPB
59Velasco Bautista MartinSAN0UTS
60Viviescas Guapacha EdinsonSAN0UTS