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23. Prvenstvo Crne Gore za mlade - B16

Darrera actualització01.05.2017 18:03:33, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Montenegro Chess Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Carapic Predrag16503651MNE1959
2Alivodic Dario16501632MNE1893
3Pobor Danilo16502850MNE1845
4Draskovic Aleksandar16502027MNE1796
5Kalezic Bojan16502698MNE1744
6Aloric Vladan16504917MNE1662
7Ljeskovic Luka16504160MNE1611
8Aleksic Filip16504925MNE0
9Baletic BalsaMNE0
10Dragisic DaniloMNE0
11Lukic NikolaMNE0
12Lutovac DaniloMNE0
13Raickovic Vuk16504348MNE0
14Sofranac Vuk16505204MNE0
15Zugic Nikola16504488MNE0