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23. Prvenstvo Crne Gore za mlade - B14

Last update 02.05.2017 18:41:49, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
11Vuckovic MarkoMNE19438444840
23Pobor MiloMNE176384447,539,5
35Miletic VukMNE1719743,54736
46Vujovic SavoMNE16975,5454827
54Kovacevic DragoljubMNE17585,544,54630
62Sukovic DarkoMNE1808546,549,527,5
77Vukovic NemanjaMNE1669540,543,525
811Golubovic DaniloMNE04,54144,523,5
912Ivanovic DaniloMNE04,535,537,521,5
1015Perkovic PetarMNE04414420
1116Prelevic LukaMNE0436,53821
1218Redzepagic DamirMNE043536,521
138Babovic LukaMNE03,53334,519
1414Milosevic VukMNE03,531,53315
1513Latkovic MatijaMNE03363816,5
1610Colovic UgljesaMNE033536,515
1717Radovic NemanjaMNE02,52728,56,5
1819Uljarevic SavaMNE01,5333510
199Boljevic AleksandarMNE0026270

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break