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2017 PSS Capablanca Round Robin C

Last update 01.05.2017 13:43:58, Creator/Last Upload: Hendrik du Toit

Starting rank list of players

7Fakude Hopewell10000922414318512RSA1826
4WIMTembo Epah2930373738700125ZAM1819w
3Marais Daniel10002072114309440RSA1792
2Molebatsi Teboho17602438814308398RSA1781
5Kabi Thato19301474114310066RSA1778
6Tshetlo Tshepo18903828714311070RSA1772
1Masiya Mfuno19902149714321114RSA1744
8WCMFisher Michelle M29700952214307553RSA1711w
9Mantati Victor S19002051514308150RSA1699
10FMModi Yashil10502361114310880RSA1696