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IX International Grandmasters Tournament of the LUBLIN Union Memorial

Last update 10.06.2017 14:12:30, Creator/Last Upload: Wojciech Krzyzanowski

Starting rank list of players

7GMDziuba Marcin1112953POL2550
2GMCyborowski Lukasz1108760POL2534
6GMRomanishin Oleg14100088UKR2448
9GMSergeev Vladimir14101076UKR2446
8IMJarmula Lukasz1160664POL2444
10IMNguyen Piotr1127993POL2438
5IMLlaneza Vega Marcos2253585ESP2424
3FMJanik Igor1159259POL2422
4FMMolenda Marcin1173065POL2421
1FMNatsidis Christoph24601179GER2312