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2° Semifinal Argentina Amateur Sub 2000 Villa María 2017

Last update 24.04.2017 00:32:10, Creator/Last Upload: pparis

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Starting rank list

1Azcona Juan114944ARG1968Villa María
2Benitez Fernando154911ARG1917Santa Fe
3Mateu Pedro139254ARG1802Venado Tuerto - Sta. Fe
4Canale Juan Carlos143618ARG1754Maria Juana - Sta Fe
5Koncurat Tomas145696ARG1666Villa María
6Marconi Nicolas138037ARG1645Rio Cuarto - Córdoba
7Bernardi Cristian156574ARG1621Las Rosas - Sta Fe
8Yorio Alfredo156620ARG1600Las Rosas - Sta Fe
9Arnoletto Stafano134830ARG1520Las Varillas - Cba.
10Koncurat Enzo145688ARG1500Villa María
11Ronchese Angel136611ARG1494Las Rosas - Sta. Fe
12Martinez Francisco Guillermo160873ARG1428Córdoba
13Giovagnoli Gonzalo153567ARG1352Villa María
14Bueno Carlos162132ARG0Ucacha - Cba.
15Huerga JorgeARG0Venado Tuerto - Sta Fe
16Scillone Guillermo RubénARG0Córdoba