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Mukachevo Rating - 34 (IM group) LIVE -

Last update 22.05.2017 14:49:35, Creator/Last Upload: Alexandr Fediv

Starting rank list of players

10FMBykovskiy Oleg14129825UKR2368
4IMBoricsev Oleg720500HUN2340
8Tiba Vladyslav14118823UKR2310
3IMDovzik Juri14100223UKR2306
7IMBunda Viktor14114143UKR2302
1FMOros Robert14120666UKR2302
9FMFediv Alexandr14117967UKR2218
2FMBurnett Andrew2400855SCO2183
6Sztercsco Sztyepan4116771RUS2090
5Ganze Laszlo730475HUN2005