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Campeonato Nacional Sub 16 Femenino 2017

Last update 16.04.2017 20:36:23, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

10Varela Maria De Los Angeles4408810ANT1723Club Paul Keres
3Cayon Laura Valentina4430840VAL1648
4Espana Londono Angie Lorena4438167VAL1632Club Capablanca
8Fraile Vela Maria Isabel4425901BOG1611
2WCMPinillo Canon Silvana4450850HUI1563Club Voragine
5Moncada Correa Sara4460642ANT1562
1Norena Derly Jiseth4430859VAL1543
7Hoyos Garces Rosana4443233BOL1496
9Manzano Gomez Valentina4455797VAL1493
6Olier Roballo Mishelle Dayana4451252ATL1458Club Deportivo Edina