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Campeonato Piauiense Absoluto 2017 - Semifinal 1

Last update 23.04.2017 17:25:43, Creator/Last Upload: FPIX

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Starting rank list

1Bastos Werton Alvarenga2116324BRA20902094Teresina/PI
2Alves Da Silva Thiago2137585BRA19771990Teresina/PI
3De Araujo Sergio C Mendes2137607BRA19321976Teresina/PI
4Lima Fo Jose Pacifico2104334BRA18941904Teresina/PI
5Leite Italo Andre Medeiros22711767BRA18931820Teresina/PI
6Correa Luca Soares2148188BRA18331942Teresina/PI
7Monteiro Luis Felipe Furtado22702806BRA18311826Teresina/PI
8De Araujo Maxdeilly Moura22708723BRA18161777Teresina/PI
9Sales Luis Carlos2136171BRA18121874Teresina/PI
10Pinheiro Francisco Das Chagas22706747BRA17781832Teresina/PI
11Ribeiro Yuri Alisson Cavalcant22711805BRA16211816Campo Maior/PI
12Almeida Rafael Da Paz2167921BRA14571790Campo Maior/PI