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I Campeonato Sul Brasileiro Juvenil de Xadrez 2017 - Sub-20 U2200 Masc. e Fem.

Last update 24.06.2017 03:27:40, Creator/Last Upload: Samuel Pfluck

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Starting rank list

1Volkmann Andre Jordi357182154463SC20162008SCInstituto Federal de Santa Catarina
2Melo Tiago Rosa de415172174880SC19742017SCACX - Içara - SC
3Leacina Giovane Santiago415142170302SC19592029SCACX - Içara - SC
4Trott Natan Correa429692177382RS18861942RSEstancia Velha
5Tomiello Mateus Costamilan4740722701958RS17931832RSCaxias do Sul - RS
6Oliveira Danyel Angelo Aquino450782192080RS17761925RSPorto Alegre - RS
7Tomiello Lucas Costamilan4740922701940RS17671879RSCaxias do Sul - RS
8Souza Junior Vanderval Borges de452572193892SC17551916SCACX - Içara - SC
9Liz Vitoria Luiza De4952022712399SC15791819SCEEB Prof. Flordoardo Cabral - Lages
10Passos Clarissa dos Santos 435212189623SC14301770SCLages - SC
11Boutin Neto Mauro Albano452032175550PR14271769PRAXPG - Ponta Lagoa
12Nicoladeli Isadora Roch415162174901SC13641772SCACX - Içara - SC
13Machado Wesley Henrique463602197707PR12261721PRAXPG - Ponta Lagoa
14Pfluck Filipe Hebestreit426882177340RS12131621RSInstituto Ivoti - N.Hamburgo
15Carvalho Isis454692197650PR11561793PRAXPG - Ponta Lagoa
16Cardoso Alan Felipe446162195925RS01800RSColegio Maua - Santa Cruz do Sul
17Liesenfeld Marcelo Leonardo440322182416RS01691RSNovo Hamburgo - RS