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Deptal sub 10 abs Valle 2010

Darrera actualització21.11.2009 00:29:00, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1Quinonez Garcia SantiagoVAL1833
2Polanco Brayan ArleyVAL1765
3Renteria AlejandroVAL1627
4Munoz Juan DavidVAL1578
5Sanchez Victor DanielVAL1525
6Fuentes Ivan DarioVAL1424
7Saenz Andres FelipeVAL1402
8Borja Martinez YamitVAL1392
9Escobar Diego AlejandroVAL1368
10Ospina Marcos JavierVAL1330
11Martinez Cristian CamiloVAL1303
12Acevedo Jhon AndersonVAL1300
13Andrade Julian EstebanVAL1300
14Carvajal Carlos DavidVAL1300