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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2017 (U18 Open)

Darrera actualització11.04.2017 16:57:43, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Michael Bornheim

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Rànquing inicial

1Tshabalala Ernest14318466RSA2003
2FMAgulhas Keegan14309580RSA1887
3Hempe Lilitha14322960RSA1815
4CMKlevansky Aron14313332RSA1814
5Marais Franco14304880RSA1804
6Marais Daniel14309440RSA1792
7Roos Lucas14308673RSA1767
8Minifie Joshua14310279RSA1747
9Mthimkulu Lucky14321890RSA1671
10Balmakhun Yashkar14313391RSA1656
11Smith David14321130RSA1653
12Bucceri Draven14320738RSA1606
13Hansen Marcques14318520RSA1562
14Prinsloo Marthinus14318563RSA1510
15Waters Anre14320860RSA1500
16Moremi Thato14319055RSA1487
17Masiya Mfundo14321114RSA1462
18Khumalo Kagiso14327201RSA1402
19Kubheka Lucky14326922RSA1387
20Maartens Alexander14326930RSA1383
21Danielkutty Liju14326949RSA1329
22Scott Timothy John14312697RSA1277