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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2017 (U18 Girls)

Last update 11.04.2017 16:57:08, Creator/Last Upload: Michael Bornheim

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Starting rank list

1WIMVan Zyl Charlize14307120RSA1658
2Du Plessis Anika14318610RSA1462
3Steyn Alicia14311232RSA1427
4Gardiner Nina14306867RSA1415
5WFMDe Kock Lene14318482RSA1412
6Kekana Letsatsi14325748RSA1182
7Combrinck Bianca14315173RSA1172
8Seloana Reamogetswe14326671RSA1167
9Raubenheimer Lize14321203RSA1154
10Seloana Mosa14326680RSA1139
11Mabitsela Mirinda14323028RSA1119
12Badenhorst Mandie14321238RSA1107
13Angel Claire14326957RSA1083
14Nkoana Kholofelo14326620RSA1059
15Mbonani Sihle14327198RSA968
16Jordaan Chandre14326965RSA885