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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2017 (U16 Open)

Last update 11.04.2017 16:55:41, Creator/Last Upload: Michael Bornheim

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Starting rank

1CMMazibuko Khanya14321041RSA1856
2Ramatseliso Thabiso14321947RSA1844
3FMChetty Cailin14314126RSA1754
4Vester Jordan14324695RSA1743
5Khumalo Keith14319470RSA1720
6Felix Devon14323630RSA1688
7Richter Jan-Michael14316854RSA1658
8Samuels Ethan14321068RSA1656
9Mlahleki Vusimuzi14318539RSA1655
10Reddy Ananta14310902RSA1641
11Fourie Louhan14306450RSA1597
12Hadebe Sandile14326973RSA1531
13Van Der Westhuizen Donald14321084RSA1505
14CMFrye Reece Lawrence14323176RSA1485
15Dykema Dirkho14316544RSA1459
16Du Plessis Jan14323168RSA1440
17FMVarden Trevelyn14306913RSA1411
18Morema Thapelo14326981RSA1402
19De Wet Ryan14321475RSA1398
20Strydom De-Leon14312786RSA1389
21Nyathi Musa14320819RSA1385
22Leslie-Smith Lance14326906RSA1318
23Makhura Thabang14327180RSA1310
24Pather Cayden14320533RSA1280
25Marais Dawid Jacobus14313286RSA1249
26Millard Chad14318687RSA1203
27Naicker Sheldon14327171RSA1179
28Ramakgoshi Glen14326990RSA1162