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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2017 (U14 Girls)

Last update 11.04.2017 14:13:23, Creator/Last Upload: Michael Bornheim

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Starting rank

1Booysen Tineke14313383RSA1375
2Brugman Karla14312000RSA1319
3WFMStaal Michaela Francis14309149RSA1305
4WFMGardiner Noa Saxon14309050RSA1279
5Shaw Laurie Ann14318784RSA1257
6Brugman Ilse14311992RSA1237
7Goncalves Dias Amika14323095RSA1216
8Milford Zoe Melissa14317923RSA1129
9Hartley Charne14318741RSA1127
10Qangule Lithitha Qhayiya14311810RSA1117
11Bester Carla14318032RSA1081
12Moloto Amogelang14325730RSA1075
13Bhila Lindokuhle Adorabella14324091RSA1030
14Jonker Keola14323109RSA1002
15Bouwer Dane14324440RSA929
16Grove Monique14327139RSA877
17De Villiers Lisa Marie14327104RSA869
18Naicker Kerri-Anne14327112RSA856
19Van Jaarsveld Anje14327120RSA780