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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2017 (U8 Open)

Last update 11.04.2017 11:05:56, Creator/Last Upload: Michael Bornheim

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Starting rank list

1Peter NoahRSA1048
2CMGovender KaedanRSA970
3Spiller CadenRSA900
4Spiller ArinRSA829
5Willis CronanRSA786
6Voigt DanielRSA735
7Le Roux JeanRSA708
8Ally AzraRSA696
9Jansen Van Vuuren ChristopherRSA675
10Boheim EugeneRSA650
11Neethling SeanRSA633
12Jacobs JancuRSA626
13Liang Yi-Xuan (bowie)RSA571
14Van Zyl BenjaminRSA557
15Cass MatthewRSA537
16Amanjee Abdullah SalimRSA521
17Beyers RupertRSA500
18Nair ChaitanRSA500