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2017 PSS Capablanca Round Robin A

Last update 01.05.2017 13:49:08, Creator/Last Upload: Hendrik du Toit

Starting rank list of players

4CMSimutowe Musatwe1790347518700389ZAM2198
5Mnguni Jacob Dumisani19202348514320908RSA2166
7FMDe Abreu Roberto19600619314307472RSA2110
1FMVan Zyl-Rudd Jack10204115814309017RSA2075
2Manan Yoboue Hermann020800061CIV2072
10Ristovich Dmitar S.18803222814305968RSA2015
3Tshabalala Ernest19903823414318466RSA2003
6CMGoosen Anton16101071114301709RSA1995
8Du Plessis Heinco19400781514306263RSA1984
9Nene Themba18402732714306760RSA1944