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Crawford Open 2017 AB Section

Darrera actualització25.03.2017 18:09:09, Creador/Darrera càrrega: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 39)

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Rànquing inicial

1Mabusela JohannesRSA2229
2IMSoares EriksonRSA2226
3Mosetlhe KgaugeloRSA2184
4Goosen AntonRSA1927
5Steyn HansRSA1789
6Marais DanielRSA1771
7Thom DavidRSA1654
8Moche JohannesRSA1651
9Marais NinaRSA1595
10Maruma Abel BrownRSA1576
11Mkhaliphi JohnRSA1558
12van der Westhuizen DonaldRSA1558Centurion
13Mthimkulu LuckyRSA1548
14Grobbelaar JacquiRSA1538
15Engelbrecht HanriRSA1519
16Mitchell BrianRSA1509Centurion
17Manyama RonaldRSA1492
18Du Plessis AnikaRSA1478
19Lukhwareni NkhumbuleniRSA1462
20Oosthuizen MichalRSA1420
21Mantati SebeiRSA1413