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Semifinal 3 Nacional Sub-18 Absoluto 2017

Last update 26.03.2017 18:30:16, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Starting rank

1FMCardoso Cardoso Jose Gabriel4430492VAL2092
2Oliveros Camilo4449576VAL2030
3Muelas Ceballos Jhon Estiven4456637CAU1927
4Gallego Julian Andres4441192RIS1906Gm Alder Escobar
5Calderon Zuta Nicolas4428854HUI1898
6Pena Bermudez Juan Camilo4435419BOL1897Talentos
7Florez Castro Estiven4434510QUI1716Pensamiento Del Futuro
8Valenzuela Juan Camilo4427521CAQ1580
9Lopez Guarin Simon4466780ANT1526
10Perez Lombana Kevin Esteban4424689TOL1296
11Angulo Castillo Francisco4461568BOL1559Angulocastillo158@gmail.Com
12Tello Nicolas Eduardo4459849HUI1453
13Preciado Rodriguez Diego4439643BOG1404