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Semifinal 2 Cat Sub16 Femenino 2017

Last update 21.03.2017 15:55:54, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Espana Londono Angie Lorena4438167VAL16221622Club Capablanca
2Norena Derly Jiseth4430859VAL15361536
3Manzano Gomez Valentina4455797VAL14101410
4Henao Garcia Estefania4453182ANT13161316
5Angulo Montano Monica Nadira4468155VAL12770
6Camacho Guzman Angie Katherine4474031CAU00
7Ordonez Ceballos Andrea Camila4474040CAU00
8Rivas Leidy Leana4474058VAL00