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Campeonato Nacional Sub-20 Femenino 2017

Last update 23.03.2017 03:35:34, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1WFMDominguez Laura Lucia4416848VAL2025w
2WFMSalcedo Jackeline4401913BOG2017w
3WFMArgote Heredia Valentina4431022VAL1946w
4Romero Daniela4403274ANT1905w
5Toro Castaneda Elizabeht4429559ANT1843w
6Gomez Guardo Laura Melissa4408578BOL1799w
7WCMRosado Perez Maria Jose4408713BOL1767w
8Viveros Erica Johana4416988VAL1764w
9Velasquez Angie Gabriela4431057CUN1757w
10WCMCespedes Galindo Estefania4418107TOL1737w
11WFMDiaz Luisa Fernanda4421434TOL1705w
12Ocampo Cristina4439490RIS1671w
13Sarmiento Carolina4442970CUN1631w
14Medina Barrios Lina Maria4441303TOL1490w