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CAMPEONATO ARGENTINO SENIORS 2017 MAXI 50 Termas de Río Hondo, 19 al 23 de abril de 2017

Last update 26.04.2017 18:28:22, Creator/Last Upload: aapcajedrez

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Starting rank list

1FMRodriguez Jorge Luis100552ARG2408FEMEDA
2IMTempone Marcelo100269ARG2397FEMEDA
3IMJulia Ernesto101150ARG2360FEMEDA
4IMLlanos Guillermo100358ARG2352FEMEDA
5FMBurgos Carlos104825ARG2303Caballo Blanco Termas
6IMMalbran Guillermo100978ARG2231FEMEDA
7CMDaneri Martin104981ARG2080CADA
8Acosta Raul170801ARG2035Fed. Entrerriana
9Rodriguez Luis Jose Lucio147605ARG2026Caballo Blanco Termas
10Belmonte Jose Antonio135950ARG2004Fed. Salteña
11Padilla Luis Eduardo129585ARG1814Dos Torres Monteros
12Villafane Jorge Segundo144274ARG1761Fed. Riojana
13Acosta Carlos Humberto121150ARG1702Fed. Entrerriana
14Blanco Monica152412ARG0Rey Blanco Jujuy