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Silver lake Open 2017 - A

Last update 25.06.2017 14:20:48, Creator/Last Upload: Suhartovic Branislav

Player overview for BIH

2GMKadric Denis2535BIH½½011½½00457A
84Fejzic Danis1453BIH½010000½½2,598B
16GMKadric Denis2378BIH11101011100713Boat Blitz

Results of the last round for BIH

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
CMDogan Nazmi Can22114 + - -4 GMKadric Denis2535
Fejzic Danis14532 ½ - ½2 Turkustun Can0
Djordjevic Vuk24227 1 - 07 GMKadric Denis2378

Player details for BIH

GM Kadric Denis 2535 BIH Rp:2253 Pts. 4
151CMCan Isik2242TUR5w ½
263FMJovanovic Bojan P2190SRB5s ½
391Uysal Burak2037TUR5,5w 0
469CMBudisavljevic Luka2155SRB4,5s 1
557Markovic Dragan P2225SRB4w 1
643IMCvetkovic Srdjan2275SRB4,5s ½
737FMRisting Eivind Olav2295NOR5w ½
8-not paired- --- 0
958CMDogan Nazmi Can2211TUR5- 0K
Fejzic Danis 1453 BIH Rp:1408 Pts. 2,5
154Savic Aleksandar Z1716SRB4,5s ½
232Stoyanov Georgi1852BUL6w 0
338Ratkovic Tihomir1833SRB4,5s 1
434Delic Miladin1845SRB4w 0
559CMGenov Valentin1690BUL5s 0
655Ilic Dragan Z1712SRB4w 0
797Savic Dunja1297SRB3,5s 0
899Marjanovic Alex1225HUN3s ½
9107Turkustun Can0TUR2,5w ½
GM Kadric Denis 2378 BIH Rp:2420 Pts. 7
165Muskinja Luka1719SRB5s 1
242Rakic Miodrag2114SRB6w 1
341FMBaglan Esat2120TUR6,5s 1
45GMSavic Miodrag R2591SRB9w 0
548Miladinovic Zoran2020SRB5,5s 1
61GMPerunovic Milos2635SRB7w 0
731Velikic Adela2189SRB6,5s 1
83GMBogosavljevic Boban2599SRB7,5s 1
96GMDamljanovic Branko2583SRB7w 1
108GMDobrov Vladimir2505RUS8w 0
1112Djordjevic Vuk2422SRB8s 0