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Taca Florianopolis 2017

Last update 27.03.2017 03:42:47, Creator/Last Upload: Kaiser Luiz Mafra

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Starting rank list

1IMUmetsubo Cesar Hidemitsu39602103400BRA23912397
2CMGoncalves Davi Sulzbacher395152154510BRA22272206
3NMStarke Bruno Orlando346672128713BRA21642186
4NMBorges Guilherme Deola37542109085BRA21512165
5CMMafra Kaiser Luiz45422106698BRA21172181
6Pomar Marcelo Nascimento321932126931BRA20602082
7NMDe Haro Martim Afonso Palma9152101653BRA19722028
8Maiberg Wellington Gubiani300452128802BRA19131924
9Rodrigues Natanael Isau405262129884BRA17901865
10Marques Junior Marcos Antonio441982184451BRA17481834
11Faria Juliano Espezim Soares426222174995BRA17271814
12Do Prado Hamilton Mesquita365932139898BRA17231777
13Da Silva Camila Evaristo346452145430BRA16631806w
14Masselli Eduardo415592173000BRA16131734
15Balbys Fernanda Santoro Bosca424572172950BRA15761789w
16De Souza Elana Silva388572150239BRA15601746w
17Cezar Ricardo De Almeida424592172968BRA15011734
18Santana Freitas Maria Eduarda462632193787BRA14951652w
19Mariot Vaz Joao Antonio Berto4765122702717BRA13831738
20Koinski Carlos Cesar5075622720260BRA13550