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2017 Warwickshire Championships Under 120

Last update 26.02.2017 18:01:39, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

19Killarney Simon A1174,5
12Ashworth Steven M1114,5
38Ercsei Estera-Alexandra1174
20Mycock Ken1084
28Dicen Imogen944
614Buswell Paul1113,5
32Steel Martin J933,5
84Woollaston Alan T1193
6Hawthorne Julian Nh1183
11Conway John1143
16Davies Paul1093
17Pakenham John H1093
18Weaver Simon1093
22Smith Peter1033
29Simpson Richard943
162Johnson Mike J1192,5
10Parry Samuel A1152,5
13Blackburn Clive1112,5
15Ercsei Iolanda-Elisabeta1102,5
19Hughes Peter J1082,5
23Fancourt Leslie J1022,5
24Revitt Ian1022,5
27Wood Penny A972,5
31Heeney Paul932,5
251Green Derek1192
3Rayner John J1192
7Watson Roy G1182
21Oliver Peter Jr1072
26Carter Andy S982
34Sandhu Manvith872
35Hall Les842
36Ashraf Zoha772
335Bristow Paul W1181,5
30Dilly Suzanne931,5
37Faye Steve731,5
38Crosby Scott601,5
40Rebbeck Christopher01,5
3825Sweatman Paul1011
33Brown Victor J891
4039Johal Amrissa Kaur210,5