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2017 Warwickshire Championships Under 170

Last update 26.02.2017 18:14:36, Creator/Last Upload: alexholowczak

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

118O'gorman Brendan1504
21Hickman John E1693,5
9Reid Patrick D1573,5
17Brodie Iain1513,5
22Rahulan Thivyaa1383,5
23Patel Devan1353,5
73Darling Tom1663
7Dalley Kevin J1573
8Jackson Gary C1573
102Ashcroft Graham J1672,5
4Lewis Christopher D1652,5
5Gostelow David W1642,5
11Towers Nigel S1562,5
13Lane Tim A1552,5
1510Price Andrew1562
16Fisher Simon1522
20Zarev Dragomir1422
21Bennett Adam1402
196Burns Martin J1621,5
14Evans Chris John1531,5
2112Clegg Robert1551
15Hibbitt Arthur M1531
19Hartley Dean M1451
2424Sandhu Manvith00