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Semifinal 1 Cat Sub18 Femenino 2017

Last update 26.02.2017 00:49:12, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Velasquez Angie Gabriela4431057CUN180918091809
2Cardoso Jaidy Marcela4421426VAL177617761776
3Calderon Zuluaga Andrea4408551ANT163616361636
4Henao Ortiz Carolina4434773ANT162816281628
5Ramirez Mariana4460200ANT150915091509
6Sarmiento Leidy4455860CUN145114511451
7Henao Garcia Estefania4453182ANT131813181318
8Ramos Arboleda Dellys Carolin4421477ANT170301703