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Semifinal 1 Cat Sub18 Absoluto 2017

Last update 26.02.2017 00:31:50, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Salcedo Pablo Esteban4419588ANT223222322232U18Club Paul Keres
2CMTorres Cueto Jesus Marcial4415280BOL214421442144U18Soy Talento
3CMArboleda Orozco Juan M4429478ANT190419041904U16
4Toro Castaneda Elizabeht4429559ANT187618761876wU18Club Paul Keres
5Barrera Hincapie Felipe4451899ANT185918591859U18
6Llano Buritica Eduardo4423151ANT174817481748U18Club Paul Keres
7Yepez Ortiz Dubier4429605ANT169216921692U16Club Ajedrez Los Titanes
8Mendez Rodriguez Andres David4467957CUN138713871387U18
9Lopez Guarin Simon4466780ANT153801538U18
10Londono Neider Farid4459245ANT146001460U16