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Departamental sub-20 2017 Absoluto Valle

Darrera actualització19.02.2017 21:55:30, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FECODAZ

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Rànquing inicial

1FMAvila Pavas Santiago4437128VAL2240
2FMCardoso Cardoso Jose Gabriel4430492VAL2092
3Rosero Jefferson4416945VAL2087
4Munoz Juan David4412028VAL2066
5Oliveros Camilo4449576VAL2030
6Cardona Juan Camilo4402219VAL1961
7CMMartinez Cristian Camilo4427386VAL1921
8CMChavez Brayan Steven4437993VAL1693
9Nunez Valencia Jhonier AndresVAL1676
10Rodriguez Jimenez Juan Jose4441710VAL1653
11Ovalle Nicolas Esteban4471776VAL1616Club Ricaly
12Gonzalez Leandro4452879VAL1602Cali
13Mora Munoz Daniel Andres4470125VAL1600
14Villaquiran MiguelVAL1586
15Sinisterra Valencia Esteban4472667VAL1550Club Ricaly
16Lopez Rayo Santiago4455665VAL1547
17Zuniga Urriago AndersonVAL1547
18Mora Munoz Alejandro4469844VAL1500
19Ovalle Lional EstebanVAL1494
20Urbano Santiago4459318VAL1364Ricaly
21Alcazar Yule SantiagoVAL1295
22Mesa Parra EstebanVAL1252
23Cardona JacoboCOL0