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Departamental sub-20 2017 Femenino Valle

Last update 19.02.2017 21:54:49, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1WFMArgote Heredia Valentina4431022VAL1946Club Ricaly
2Renteria Manuela4406168VAL1876
3Cardoso Jaidy Marcela4421426VAL1776
4Viveros Erica Johana4416988VAL1764
5Orozco Fernandez ElianaVAL1545
6Norena Derly Jiseth4430859VAL1536
7Rodriguez Otalora Laura Sofia4461398VAL1500
8Gonzalez Rayo Eilen Daniela4468708VAL1464
9WCMLopez Isabela4452755VAL1393Ricaly
10Fitzgerald Daniela4427475VAL1388
11Manzano Gomez Valentina4455797VAL1356
12Gomez Gomez Maria Camila4460308VAL1296
13Giraldo Osorio Jimena4467418VAL1221