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Ádám György Budapesti Ifjúsági CsB Amatőr osztály Tavasz

Last update 11.03.2017 13:02:19, Creator: Tamas Gyomber,Last Upload: gergaczd

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
211BEAC I962125140
313Palota Sakk I962124,5140
418Újpesti KSE I954024140
51Barcza GSC I952223,5120
64Sárkány DSE I943222,5110
710Csepeli TK I952221,5120
817Vasas SC94142190
931Mattolda SSC II94142190
108Óbudai SI I934220,5101
1138Pomáz I934220,5101
1216Lauder Iskola II941420,590
135Aquaréna KSC943220110
1421Lauder Iskola I943219,5110
1526Palota Sakk II951319,5110
1615Lázár Ervin Iskola934219,5100
1725Óbudai SI II952219120
183Barcza GSC III94141990
1939Pomáz II923418,570
207Barcza GSC II93331890
212MTK Budapest92341870
2235Óbudai SI III941417,590
239Sárkány DSE II941417,590
2412Tabáni Spartacus741217,590
256HÜSI SC942317100
2732Nagy László Iskola I94051780
2819Losonci Iskola93241780
2929Lauder Iskola IV941415,590
3027BEAC II932415,580
3130Lauder Iskola V930614,560
3214Mattolda SSC I922514,560
3334Nagy László Iskola III921614,550
3422Lauder Iskola III93151470
3536Palota Sakk III931513,570
3641Újpesti KSE II92341370
3720Csepeli TK II91441360
3828Fodros Iskola91261240
4033Nagy László Iskola II92161050
4137Palota Sakk IV90276,520

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
Tie Break3: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints