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Ukraine Boys Under 16 Chess Championship 2017

Darrera actualització17.03.2017 13:37:12, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Nikolay Bodnar

Llista del rànquing inicial

2FMMatviishen Viktor14129850UKR2405
5Roshka Yevgeniy14129558UKR2278
7Kukelko Alexey14153084UKR2232
9Baidetskyi Valentin14142317UKR2194
6Krasnokutskaya Sofiya14150735UKR2145
4Khadzh Khamed Dzhamil14138476UKR2125
8Lisnyak Vladislav14136880UKR2064
1Gayun Dmytro14141434UKR2053
11Usatenko Maxim14142392UKR2033
3Pliukha Myhajlo14164698UKR1977
10Mitusov Semen14151049UKR1895
12Scherbina Dmitry14157012UKR1853