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Semifinal Argentina Amateur Sub 1700 - Villa María 2017

Last update 20.02.2017 00:57:06, Creator/Last Upload: pparis

Starting rank list of players

7Allasia Jesus152064ARG1649Alicia - Cba.
6Reburdo Rodrigo Hernan134880ARG1488Morteros - Cba.
8Perret Axel153605ARG1485Villa María - Cba.
9Koncurat Tomas145696ARG1478Villa María - Cba.
10Arnoletto Stefano134830ARG1460Las Varillas - Cba.
3Zandrino Faustino146790ARG1415Porteña - Cba
1Koncurat Enzo145688ARG1345Villa María - Cba.
5Ghiberto Lucia134503ARG1262Sunchales - Sta. Fe
2Ghiberto Franco140058ARG1190Sunchales - Sta. Fe
4Zandrino Jorge153656ARG1014Porteña - Cba