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Grand Prix MegaChess la Mega Mall Etapa I - 19.02.2017 - 8 ani

Last update 19.02.2017 12:37:35, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 48)

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Starting rank

1Alexandrescu MihneaROU0
2Andries TiberiuROU0
3Apostol LucaROU0
4Avramescu EmmaROU0
5Bailescu CezarROU0
6Baltag Ioan-AndreiROU0
7Banica BogdanROU0
8Bosoanca Stefan-OctavianROU0
9Burcea AndreiROU0
10Calin MihaiROU0
11Cobianu RaduROU0
12Constantin-Ciuntu DariusROU0
13Cristache Sebastian1266454ROU0Acs Pheonix Buzau
14Deheleanu AliceROU0
15Dima Eric-AndreiROU0
16Dumitru AndreiROU0
17Dumitru GabrielROU0
18Epure ThomasROU0
19Fudului LuciaROU0
20Ganea-Nasta MariaROU0
21Golea FabianROU0
22Hatisi Mircea-GabrielROU0
23Ionescu LukaROU0
24Istrate Andrei-PetruROU0Cs Orasenesc Pantelimon
25Ivana Tudor-CiprianROU0
26Leonte Alex-StefanROU0
27Luca Eduard-AndreiROU0
28Lungu MihaiROU0
29Mardare StefanROU0
30Micu StefanROU0
31Mihai David-GabrielROU0
32Mogos Daria-MihaelaROU0
33Munteanu Roland-AndreiROU0
34Necula Vlad-EduardROU0
35Oprisan IoanaROU0Css Nr. 2 Bucuresti
36Pana CristianROU0
37Paun Tiberiu-CristianROU0
38Pauna Stefan-AlexandruROU0
39Petrescu Matei-AndreiROU0
40Pintilie RazvanROU0
41Popa FilipROU0
42Prodan Tudor-GeorgeROU0Css Nr. 2 Bucuresti
43Savu Vicentiu-Dorian1267558ROU0Csm Bucuresti
44Savu Victor-Xavier1267566ROU0Csm Bucuresti
45Serban DavidROU0
46Stan Dragos-CristianROU0
47Stanca Mihai-CalinROU0
48Stanciu AlexandruROU0
49Stanciu Razvan-GabrielROU0
50Stativa Luca-CristianROU0
51Tanasie CosminROU0
52Tanasie RaresROU0
53Vlasceanu VictorROU0