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Grand Prix MegaChess la Mega Mall Etapa I - 19.02.2017 - 11 ani

Last update 19.02.2017 12:37:45, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 48)

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Starting rank

1Baboschi EmaROU0Css Nr. 2 Bucuresti
2Bostan Raluca-ElenaROU0
3Burlacu Maya-Ilinca-Nectaria1267949ROU0Cs Oxygen Bucuresti
4Constantin Eduard-AndreiROU0
5Cornea AdinaROU0
6Dachi Mara-IoanaROU0Csm Bucuresti
7Dada Andrei-GabrielROU0
8Dima Albert-FilipROU0
9Dinu BiancaROU0
10Dorodici MartinROU0
11Florea Florentin-LaurentiuROU0
12Gagea AndreiROU0
13Groza TudorROU0CSS 2 Bucuresti
14Iordache Rares-MihailROU0
15Jelea Iancu-VictorROU0Cs Oxygen Bucuresti
16Luca Cristiana-CatincaROU0
17Lungu DavidROU0
18Marcu Pavel-AlexandruROU0Css Nr. 2 Bucuresti
19Marian Mara-AndreeaROU0Css Nr. 2 Bucuresti
20Marin Daniel-Gabriel1268066ROU0Cs Orasenesc Pantelimon
21Masar Dragos-ValentinROU0Sport Club Juventus Bucuresti
22Moldovanu RalucaROU0Cs Oxygen Bucuresti
23Moroianu MateiROU0
24Mustatea Calin-Silviu-GabrielROU0
25Nacu CristianROU0Css Nr. 2 Bucuresti
26Nacu MihaiROU0Css Nr. 2 Bucuresti
27Nedea Mihai-StefanROU0
28Orasanu Andrei1265709ROU0Cs Universitar De Sah Bucurest
29Paun Sebastian-AlexandruROU0
30Popescu Cristian-CalinROU0
31Postelnicescu-Petu Alexandru-GabrielROU0
32Radulescu AntonioROU0
33Serban Maria-CristinaROU0
34Sirbu Erica-IoanaROU0Acs Jocul Celor 3 Cai Bucurest
35Sirbu Nicolae1268236ROU0Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest
36Stefaniu IrinaROU0
37Stelescu Gabriel-StefanROU0
38Tautu BiancaROU0