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Departamental Selectivo Sub-14, Sub-16, Sub-18 Quindío

Last update 12.02.2017 23:52:41, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Florez Castro Estiven4434510QUI1716
2Montealegre Juan EstebanQUI1595
3Durango Serna Santiago4452313QUI1562
4Espinel Aura MariaQUI1559
5Villa Arbelaez Santiago4469984QUI1500
6Foronda Tovar Carlos Andres4458281QUI1404
7Herrera Castro Juan Diego4449371QUI1373
8Gaviria Rodriguez Dorany Andr4452321QUI1331
9Gallego Arias Andres FelipeQUI0
10Garay Gerber DavidQUI0
11Lopez Martinez Liceth DahianaQUI0
12Castillo EdwarQUI1459