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47th International Tournament Bosna 2017

Last update 25.05.2017 22:56:37, Creator/Last Upload: Boris Budimir

Player overview for SLO

45FMBuzeti Jernej2196SLO110001110551216320-0,80
57WFMHrescak Ivana2111SLO101½011105,52822584062,00
67WFMUrh Zala2036SLO0110½10½154521714052,40
68Marn Jan2035SLO½101011004,56120754018,40
117Zaloznik Vesna1504SLO00½11000½310818032039,20
121Zaloznik S. Gal1015SLO000001000112796940-22,40

Results of the last round for SLO

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMJakovljevic Vlado2384 1 - 0 WFMHrescak Ivana2111
FMBuzeti Jernej21965 0 - 15 IMArapovic Vitomir2330
FMTerzic Ilijas2163 1 - 0 Marn Jan2035
Selimovic Amir19414 0 - 14 WFMUrh Zala2036
Zaloznik Vesna1504 ½ - ½ Bajic Salko1732
Zaloznik S. Gal10151 0 - 1 Rakita Jandrija1680

Player details for SLO

FM Buzeti Jernej 2196 SLO Rp:2163 Pts. 5
1113Vrce Anes1648BIH3w 10,890,11202,20
216FMMarjanovic Dejan2412BIH5,5s 10,220,782015,60
314GMDrazic Sinisa2427SRB5w 00,21-0,2120-4,20
46GMSavic Miodrag R2512SRB5,5s 00,13-0,1320-2,60
575Cosovic Aziz2006BIH5,5w 00,75-0,7520-15,00
695Lapo Safet1844BIH3s 10,890,11202,20
793Stanivukovic Drago1892SRB4w 10,860,14202,80
873Nezirovic Ozren2013BIH4s 10,740,26205,20
924IMArapovic Vitomir2330BIH6w 00,32-0,3220-6,40
WFM Hrescak Ivana 2111 SLO Rp:2258 Pts. 5,5
1126Hasanovic Jakub0BIH3w 1
228IMTrkulja Goran2291BIH5,5s 00,26-0,2640-10,40
392Kuljanin Filip1895BIH4w 10,780,22408,80
424IMArapovic Vitomir2330BIH6s ½0,220,284011,20
525Sutkovic Damir2317BIH5,5w 00,24-0,2440-9,60
681Muhibic Cazim1956BIH5s 10,710,294011,60
734Hadzovic Amir2280BIH5w 10,280,724028,80
835Maksimovic Bojan2269BIH5,5w 10,290,714028,40
918IMJakovljevic Vlado2384BIH6,5s 00,17-0,1740-6,80
WFM Urh Zala 2036 SLO Rp:2171 Pts. 5
17GMMilanovic Danilo2510SRB6s 00,11-0,1140-4,40
2102Strinic Hamdija1749BIH3,5w 10,840,16406,40
319FMMuratovic Efim2383BIH5s 10,110,894035,60
435Maksimovic Bojan2269BIH5,5w 00,21-0,2140-8,40
543Velikic Adela2204SRB5,5s ½0,280,22408,80
689Janjic Nikola1909BIH3,5w 10,670,334013,20
736Hodzic Nihad2266BIH6,5s 00,21-0,2140-8,40
887WCMOkuyaz Duru1917TUR5w ½0,66-0,1640-6,40
983Selimovic Amir1941BIH4s 10,630,374014,80
Marn Jan 2035 SLO Rp:2075 Pts. 4,5
1-not paired- --- ½
2111Pleh Semir1678BIH4,5w 10,890,11404,40
327Vajic Goran2295BIH6s 00,18-0,1840-7,20
490Colpa Husein1904BIH3w 10,680,324012,80
533WIMAakanksha Hagawane2283IND6,5s 00,19-0,1940-7,60
699Lakusic Zoran1775MNE4w 10,820,18407,20
741Sukovic Andrej2236MNE4s 10,240,764030,40
836Hodzic Nihad2266BIH6,5w 00,21-0,2140-8,40
948FMTerzic Ilijas2163BIH5,5s 00,33-0,3340-13,20
Zaloznik Vesna 1504 SLO Rp:1803 Pts. 3
148FMTerzic Ilijas2163BIH5,5w 00,11-0,1120-2,20
281Muhibic Cazim1956BIH5s 00,11-0,1120-2,20
397Camdzija Samir1833BIH3,5w ½0,120,38207,60
4105Kanjic Elvir1722BIH2s 10,220,782015,60
588Vujicic Dragisa1914BIH4,5w 10,110,892017,80
644Mrndjic Muamer2199BIH5s 00,11-0,1120-2,20
784Dedic Nedzad1940BIH3,5w 00,11-0,1120-2,20
892Kuljanin Filip1895BIH4s 00,11-0,1120-2,20
9103Bajic Salko1732BIH3w ½0,210,29205,80
Zaloznik S. Gal 1015 SLO Rp:969 Pts. 1
152Bucan Eldin2126BIH6w 00,11-0,1140-4,40
288Vujicic Dragisa1914BIH4,5s 00,11-0,1140-4,40
3102Strinic Hamdija1749BIH3,5s 00,11-0,1140-4,40
498Gligorevic Milorad1823BIH3w 00,11-0,1140-4,40
5112Babic Masa1653BIH2,5w 00,11-0,1140-4,40
6-bye- --- 1
7118Fejzic Danis1439BIH3s 00,11-0,1140-4,40
8128Zecic Emir0BIH3s 0
9109Rakita Jandrija1680BIH2,5w 00,11-0,1140-4,40