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47th International Tournament Bosna 2017

Last update 25.05.2017 22:56:37, Creator/Last Upload: Boris Budimir

Player overview for IND

33WIMAakanksha Hagawane2283IND101½1½1½16,51124172037,40
82Ananya Rishi Gupta1955IND01010110½4,56420294031,20

Results of the last round for IND

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
WIMAakanksha Hagawane2283 1 - 0 IMFilipovic Branko2413
Ananya Rishi Gupta19554 ½ - ½4 Schettler Juergen2111

Player details for IND

WIM Aakanksha Hagawane 2283 IND Rp:2417 Pts. 6,5
199Lakusic Zoran1775MNE4w 10,890,11202,20
22GMNikolic Predrag2607BIH6,5s 00,13-0,1320-2,60
370Halilovic Fahrudin2032BIH4,5w 10,810,19203,80
462Slamar Velimir2059CRO4s ½0,78-0,2820-5,60
568Marn Jan2035SLO4,5w 10,810,19203,80
610GMBlagojevic Dragisa2480MNE6,5s ½0,250,25205,00
716FMMarjanovic Dejan2412BIH5,5w 10,330,672013,40
812GMDrasko Milan2446MNE5,5s ½0,280,22204,40
915IMFilipovic Branko2413SUI5,5w 10,320,682013,60
Ananya Rishi Gupta 1955 IND Rp:2029 Pts. 4,5
118IMJakovljevic Vlado2384BIH6,5w 00,11-0,1140-4,40
2113Vrce Anes1648BIH3s 10,860,14405,60
352Bucan Eldin2126BIH6w 00,27-0,2740-10,80
4107Gaspar Zdravko1689AUT3s 10,820,18407,20
542Sitnic Adnan2235BIH5w 00,16-0,1640-6,40
6101Markovic Rade A1749BIH4s 10,760,24409,60
755Aleksic Neven2121SRB5w 10,280,724028,80
844Mrndjic Muamer2199BIH5s 00,20-0,2040-8,00
958Schettler Juergen2111GER4,5w ½0,290,21408,40