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Mladinski turnir Šahovske akademije BMP

Last update 09.02.2017 09:36:41, Creator/Last Upload: slochess

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Starting rank

1IIJersic Aleks73006718SLO17361947ŠK Ljubljana - DUOL
2IVKralj Nika14616696SLO15941946ŠD Ptuj
3IVMurko Tadej14625059SLO15161896ŠD Ptuj
4Siraj Svit14627965SLO14751894ŠD Vrhnika
5IVSkok Amalija54600600SLO14651813ŠD Ptuj
6IIISiraj Vita14627973SLO13721757ŠD Vrhnika
7IIINareks Matic14629526SLO12912032ŠD Savinjčan
8IIIVaupot Luka14627671SLO12811856ŠK Slovenj Gradec
9Butolen Nejc54600642SLO12761753ŠD Ptuj
10Curic Enej14634015SLO12101819ŽŠK Maribor
11IIIKastelic Amadej14627949SLO11871806ŠD Radenska - Pomgrad
12Drevensek Gasper14635801SLO11741772ŽŠK Maribor
13IVVaupot Maks14630249SLO11391758ŠK Slovenj Gradec
14Drama Tilen14633230SLO01811ŠD Savinjčan
15Strazisnik Enej73009504SLO01747ŠD Muta
16Kos Jernej54600634SLO01735ŠD Ptuj
17Drevensek Doroteja14635283SLO01732ŽŠK Maribor
18Javornik Nik14636549SLO01689ŽŠK Maribor
19Blazic Gal14633221SLO01688ŽŠK Maribor
20Centrih AleksSLO01687ŽŠK Maribor
21Vaupot Eliza14632837SLO01593ŠK Slovenj Gradec
22Kores Luka14630044SLO01569ŠK Slovenec Poljčane