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Campionatul National de sah al Romaniei pentru copii, juniori si tineret-B20

Last update 10.02.2017 11:16:35, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 11)

Starting rank list of players

3CMToma Radu-Cristian1217992ROU23852385AEM Timisoara
1FMScripcaru George-Daniel1219685ROU23052305Cs Politehnica Iasi
2FMSecheres Adrian-Simion1217445ROU22772277Csu Universitatea De Vest Timi
4CMGavrilescu David1227190ROU22482248Cs Sah Club Oltenia Craiova
5FMNastase Robert-Paul1221175ROU22212221Clubul Central De Sah Bucurest
6CMUrsan Petru-Sebastian1227556ROU21752145Css Nr. 1 Timisoara