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SCD - Blitzschach - Serie 2017 - Q1

Last update 22.02.2017 08:46:51, Creator/Last Upload: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt)

Starting rank list of players

3FMPingitzer Harald1602730AUT2322
10IMKummer Helmut1601016AUT2276
1NMHansen Kay Mag.1608207AUT2271
5NMSchwab Rene Mag.(fh)1600850AUT2237
9MKHechl Gerald Mag.1605674AUT2176
2Demircan Sükrü1637339AUT2055
12Krpo Sulejman1645650AUT2010
7Komarek Ludwig1616668AUT1912
11Moser Nicolas1632108AUT1755
6Keintzel Raimund Mag.1645641AUT1695
4Tombor Lukas1625349AUT1693
8Krasa Peter Dr.1639927AUT1585