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FPX - Campeonato Nacional Rápidas (Equipas) Época de 2008/2009

Last update 05.10.2009 00:00:08, Creator/Last Upload: fpxbraga

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Ranking crosstable

Rk.Team123456789101112131415161718 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1ACR VALE CAMBRA * 344444444444451065
2MOTO CLUBE PORTO/ALPI1 * 232344434344447054,5
3G. X. PORTO - (A)½2 * 332244333434446051,5
4F.C. BARREIRENSE011 * 22333333344443045
5G.D. DIAS FERREIRA0212 * 12343344344442046,5
6ACADEMIA XADREZ GAIA½1223 * 33243343340242
7G.D.R.C. BONFIM0½211 * 34344444440046
8NXVS COSME-DIDÁXIS (A)½0½1211 * 233444437039,5
9A.M. ALBERTO SAMPAIO-(A)00½112 * 232313432030,5
10A. ACADEMICA COIMBRA000½02012 * 322422431027
11G. X. PORTO - (B)0101111 * 22324430031
12CIRCULO ARTE RECREIO0½111½122 * 11443429030
13AMIGOS URGEZES (A)0011000½1223 * 20428021,5
14C.X. SINTRA½110100213 * 22426324,5
15NXVS COSME-DIDÁXIS (B)0011100102022 * 34326321,5
16C.X.E. JOÃO DE MEIRA00100000320041 * 3326018,5
17A.M. ALBERTO SAMPAIO-(B)0000010½12½1201 * 421014,5
18AMIGOS URGEZES (B)00000100000000110 * 1703

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (variabel)
Tie Break2: The results Of the teams In Then same point group according To Matchpoints
Tie Break3: points (game-points)