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ЧРК среди девушек до 18 лет 2017

Last update 02.02.2017 09:18:53, Creator: Kazakhstan Chess Federation (License 5),Last Upload: Kazakhstan Chess Federation (License 4)

Starting rank list of players

4Bauyrzhan Arnash13706322KAZ1876
7Kim Kristina13712438KAZ1875
8Kozybayeva Alisa13708317KAZ1687
6Slessarchuk Yelena44131933KAZ1657
9Zykova Darya13711172KAZ1621
1 Kushenova Laura13715518KAZ1508
10Syzdykova Aisulu13714910KAZ1508
2 Muratova Malikа13715798KAZ1189
3Sunkarbek AigerimKAZ0
5Yerlankyzy Aksana13728695KAZ0